Think about your calendar, it is a reflection of your families interests, your priorities, and to what your time is dedicated. Calendars are meant to manage a resource that is precious to us all, time. And the ways that we choose to shape our time are naturally going to shape us in return.
Read MoreChildren need to see the importance of the local church, but they also need to see the importance of following Jesus every day in the life of the believer. This knowledge should, most often, come from their parents in the form of everyday discipleship.
Read MoreThis kind of radical grace is needed more than ever, and I encourage you to keep it in mind during this election season before saying or posting something political. Let's honor politicians as David honored Saul.
Read MoreI grew up at the height of the worship wars; I was fighting to get rid of hymns and only sing modern music. I wanted it louder. I wanted the flashing lights. I wanted the fog. I thought impressive, cool, or wow-ing music would result in more worship from individuals, somehow resulting in God moving. It has taken years to undo that thinking...
Read MoreObedience to Romans 12:2 is not just a Sunday morning reality; we should combat worldly influences with Biblical thinking day by day by day. As we keep the good news of the Gospel fresh in our minds, we are empowered to "take every thought captive." Biblical thinking acts as a filter in our hearts that prevents conformation to the world.
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